• +880 2 58052026-7
  • info@bdp.org.bd
  • Sun - Thursday 9:00 - 17:00


newsletter/June 2024

Issue - June 2024

BDP is a Child & Women-focused national NGO, that has been working since 1999 for the holistic development of the poorest children in Bangladesh. BDP has been working in the fields of non-formal primary & High school education, Vocational Education, Primary health & Nutrition,......

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Previous Years(2022 & 2023) Newsletter Archive and also recent newsletters high resolution copies.

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For More Information regarding BDP Newsletter:

BDP Newsletter Editor: Khadija Khanam:+880-2-58052026, Email: bdpnewsletter@bdp.org.bd (Sun - Thursday: 9am - 5pm).